Her Theology

The Battle for Biblical Intimacy – Reclaiming God’s Design

Her Theology

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The world’s view of sex has shifted dramatically—from Gods good design of the covenantal framework of marriage to a chaotic, self-serving culture. 

In this episode I address a biblical foundation for the purpose of sex why God designed sex for marriage and what it symbolizes., the consequences of a culture without covenant along with how the sexual revolution began and stayed, fleeing from the Juedo-Christian foundations society was built on. 

This is the first part of a five-part series on sex. This episode works to give you a framework to consider our understanding of sex. The next 4 episodes will address various life stages with practical tools and insights to help Christians navigate and reclaim sex the way God intended. 

Episode notes:

Tim Keller sermon transcript


Cosmo & Playboy Magazine


Dr Judith Reisman



on science of connection


Another artilce of Kinsey qestionable research


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