Her Theology

Motherhood: How the Gospel Shapes our Purpose and Priorities

Her Theology

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 There is so much to speak into when it comes to being a Mumm but how does the Gospel transform our approach and understanding of it? In this episode we hear from Jocelyn Loane, Author of the book Motherhood (Published by Matthias Media) who breaks down the biblical principles for parenting addresing identity, the need for mentorship,  the reality of sin, discipleship, mum guilt, grace & more. This is a very real and honest conversation with two mums and how God's saving grace carries us through all the highs and lows. 

You can purchase Jocelyn's new book Motherhood - How the Gospel shapes our purpose and plans for parenting at matthiasmedia.com.au & all major Christian book retailers.

Instagram @jocelynloane

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