Her Theology

The Meaning of Singleness with Dani Treweek

Her Theology

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After completing a PHD on singleness she then went on to write a book called The Meaning of Singleness, Retrieving a Eschatological Vision for the Contemporary Church. I got Dani on to discuss what her book was about, how our eternal perspective shapes our understanding of singleness here and then bombarded her with a long list of questions from our listeners on what it means to live out the single life well! Dani has some incredible insights and helpful wisdom that speaks to all of us, regardless where we find ourselves. Whether your single, married or somewhere inbetween, this episode is a must listen so we can better support and flourish as the family of Christ. 

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Dani Substack: https://writing.danielletreweek.com/
Dani's website: https://www.danielletreweek.com/
You can purchase Danis book at all major Christian book retailers. 
Single Minded Podcast https://singleminded.community/podcast/

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